The Future For Blythe Valley Park


Blythe Valley Park – once Blythe Valley Business Park – is a mini-district of the Solihull town conurbation. Situated just off of junction 4 of the M42, the area provides office, industrial and now residential space to the region.

The business park was the original foundation of the area and is now home to international and global behemoth brands such as GymShark.

What was once a small construction site in 1999, as the council sought development space close to Birmingham Airport and access to the M42, is now a modernistic powerhouse of businesses and increasingly a home to professionals in Solihull.

Fun Fact – Shepherd Commercial was based in Blythe Valley Business Park in the early 2000’s.

The Expansion To Residential

After over ten years of the original construction of the business park, Blythe Valley sought to expand through commercial means with a service station on junction 4 of the M42. A plan which was quickly rejected due to traffic issues and instead revised to a staggering 950 homes on the western side of the district.

Once approved, work did not begin until 2020, with the first 100 homes being completed in 2021. However, mindset had changed for the region and plans for Blythe Valley switched to a community village-styled district consisting of schools, shops and a care home for the elderly.

The homes were built in accordance with 122 acres of nature reserve surrounding the residential aspect of the park.

Going forward

It’s now late 2023 and Blythe Valley continues to see expansion and growth in more than aspects of size.

IM Properties developed three industrial units as part of the Connexion II expansion of the park. Practical completion was achieved in February 2023, but the real success was the pre-lets of all three units to quality renown tenants such as Reeley.

Throughout it’s history, Blythe Valley Park has witnessed its success through its attraction of high quality businesses and the focus on sustainability and locality.

Looking ahead, Blythe Valley is submitting plans to Solihull council for further developments.

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