Commercial Portfolio Management

Commercial property portfolio management is a bespoke service in which we offer to our clients.

Managing Commercial Asset Portfolios

Mini portfolios of up to 10 properties are managed commonly by ourselves on behalf of private investors or landlords, as well as investors with diversified assets of up to 80 properties are managed, maintained and strategised in-house by our surveyors.

Shepherd Commercial deliver unrivalled portfolio management services, tailored to your commercial strategy. We stay in close contact with our clients and constantly advise, recommend and guide our clients.

Primarily in the West Midlands, including Solihull and Birmingham, we are the most primed commercial consultancy firm to provide portfolio management in the region. With assets under management in the far north of the country and estates managed in the old counties, our unrivalled service delivers.

Leading asset management styles

The versatility of Shepherd Commercials portfolio commercial property management style is industry-leading with innovative, traditional and professional approaches intertwining.

Bespoke and tailored to an estate or individual, the efficiency of our management provides a unique and personal approach to your portfolio which is unattainable by the behemoths of the sector.

Getting in touch

Contact us on 01564 778890 and our senior commercial property managers will be in touch.

Alternatively, email us at and we’ll direct you to one of our portfolio management team members.

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