The Average Price Of Industrial Property
What is the average price for an industrial warehouse, unit or property?
The average price of an industrial property in the UK is £149.50 per square foot.
Based on 1,033 deals which occurred in 2024 within the industrial sector, the average price per square foot clocked in just shy of £150 per square foot capital value with a total volume of £3.9 billion in transactions.
Rental Yields on Industrial Property
The average rental yield on industrial property grew 14% and reached 6.9% with the average price on completion at £4.3 million.
In the rental market on industrial stock, the average rent per square foot finally topped £10 across a staggering 4,285 deals.
Shepherd Commercial
From a boots-on-the-ground perspective, Shepherd Commercial has regularly completed industrial lettings in Birmingham above the £10 mark, with an increasing number of Solihull lettings shifting above £13 psf – typically on the smaller size ranges.
Having completed over 79 industrial deals across the Solihull team last year, we’ve had an excellent pulse on the market. Having identified key trends such as the hyper-focus from clients on specification and quality industrial, our commercial agents have felt the demand for this level of stock.